Understanding various I/O files of the pipeline

This page is to explain various input text files and output text files pipeline uses in each stage of the run. Learning this will give user power to tweak or edit the list of image files pipeline will use at each stage.


This is the one and only configuration file of this pipeline. While running the TIRSPECdataReduction.py script, this file is to be given as the first argument.

The settings of each variables available user can set in this file are as explained below.

Note: The format should be exactly VARIABLE=Value

Parameters related to Spectroscopy using iraf binaries * ARGONDIRECTORY= LampRepo #Directory containing already identified spectral lines of Argon for each band. This will be used to reidentify lines in spectrum.

Input/Output files in each stage of pipeline


Photometric pipeline stages are as shown in the figure below. Photometry Pipeline Stages

0: Backup :: Copies everything in the present working directory to ../BACKUP

*Note: when ever I use upper case words like BACKUP, it refers to the variable set by that name in the TIRSPECscript.conf file

1: Choose frames for Reduction :: Asks user for regular expression to choose frames of a particular object. Its related Flat, Sky, Argon etc.

Input files

Output files

2: Inspect Science frames :: Displays objects frames one by one to accept or discard.

Input files

Output files

3: Inspect Flat frames :: Displays Flat/Sky/Argon frames one by one to accept or discard.

Input files

Output files

4: Combine dither frames, Sky subtract , Flat correct, bp mask :: Combined images in each dither position by DITHERCOMB method. Then subtract Sky, Apply Flat fielding and also do badpixel mask interpolation.

Input files

Output files


5: Align and Combine various dithers :: Aligns and combines, already combined images of different dither positions

Input files

Output files


6: Create list of images for photometry ::

Input files

Output files

7: Choose Star, Sky region :: Askes user to select good stars, and good sky regions in first image.

Input files

Output files

8: Create Sextractor files and Bright star list ::

Input files

Output files

9: Photometry ::

Input files

Output files


Spectroscopy pipeline stages are as shown in the figure below. Spectroscopy pipeline stages

Stages 0,1,2,3 and 4 are exactly same as already explained in the Photometry pipeline above. The steps differ only after these initial steps are over.