
TIRSPEC data reduction pipeline heavily depends on standard astronomy python modules and IRAF. This page will help you install all these dependencies required to run pipeline.

If you already have installed the python modules mentioned below. You only have to update them to latest version. Which can be done by the command

pip install -U YourModuleNameHere

All in one package: Ureka

You could try installing all the required pakages together by installing the Ureka bundle provided by stcsi

But many modules inside it are old. so after installtion, you will have to give the following commands to upgrade all the packages

You will still have to install sextractor separately as mentioned below.

Installing one by one manually.

If you are not using Ureka, you could install every required module manually as explained below. It is not difficult and as a bonus you will also learn how to install software in your gnu/linux machine.

IRAF (version 2.16 or greater)

IRAF's latest version installation is very easy. (You don't have to create a separate user iraf or anything like that, one has to do for installing 2.14 or older versions)

All you have to do is to download the latest tar.gz from the iraf webpage. Copy it to /iraf/iraf/ directory. Extract and run ./install script as superuser.

See the page below for detailed example of how to do it.

PS: Beware of old webpages which provides instruction to install older versions of iraf like 2.14. They are very different, and not to be used now.

PPS: copy your to ~/iraf/ directory. Then you will be able to start pyraf from any directory in your computer.

PPPS: Don't forget to change the following line in as shown below.

set stdimage = imt1024

This is because TIRSPEC images are 1024x1024.


Sextractor is a powerful tool for automated star extraction from the image. Download the latest version from

Installation is straight forward and simply like any other standard gnu/linux packages.

Uncompress the tar.gz.

cd to the uncompressed directory.



sudo make install

If you are getting stuck at an error related to fftw in the ./configure step, and if you don't want to use some sextractor's new model fitting features, you can skip that feature by giving the following command, instead of simple ./configure

./configure --disable-model-fitting

This feature is anyway not needed for our pipeline.

PS: Do not install sextractor from ubuntu's repository. Their sextractor's binary has a bug!

Python modules

Python will the there most likely by default in all gnu/linux computers. So you have to install only the required modules.

pip is the best repository to install latest version of python modules.

Hence, if pip command is missing in your terminal. Install pip first.

sudo apt-get install python-pip # On Ubuntu/Debian


sudo yum install python-pip #On Fedora

Once you have pip ready. you can install any python modules using it. You can upgrade pip using pip itself

sudo pip install -U pip

PS: Never install python modules using ubuntu/fedora's repository. They are older than the age of the universe!


Numpy is the first module we will update

sudo pip install -U numpy


Scipy is another very useful module to have.

sudo pip install -U scipy

This might give some error saying liblas or libatlas is missing. you can install them using synaptic manager in ubuntu. Remember to install the versions of libblas and libatlas with -dev prefixed to it. (eg: libatlas-base-dev)

After that retrying the scipy installation command.


Ipython is a very neat and useful terminal for interactive use of python. It is not needed for the pipeline. But please install it, you will thank me later.

sudo pip install -U ipython[all]


This is a very important astronomy module used heavily in pipeline. It is important to install the latest version.

sudo pip install -U astropy


This module is needed to call IRAF binaries from python.

sudo pip install -U pyraf


This is a very powerful plotting library in python. Before installing if you want to run TIRSPEC's Exposure time calculator, you should also install tcl tk

sudo yum install tcl tk # Only for Fedora Users

Ubuntu users please install them from your synaptic manager.

Once you have tcl/tk installed. you can install matplotlib using pip. This will combile matplotlib with Tk backend support.

sudo pip install -U matplotlib

That is all. now you can start using the scripts in this repository.